Maps and Models§
We've already seen quite a lot of Map
s and Model
s in our examples so far.
They haven't gotten much explanation, because we've assumed that the notion of
a key/value data structure and some notion of continually watching what exists
at some key over time are sensible enough without much explanation.
And, we're not going to beat that point any further here. Instead, we are going to explore some (but not all) of the more powerful data transformations you can perform with Maps, and what Models add to the picture.
In Janus, a Model is just a fancy Map. Where Maps are key/value stores and carry
all the functionality associated with that data structure, including the useful
transformations you might need to perform on it, Models extend
Map to add
application-specific behavior like data types, serialization, validation, and
In particular, here is what we're going to cover for Maps:
- Basic key/value operations like
, andset
. - Shadow-copied Maps, allowing data to be layered together.
- Enumeration and mapping.
And on top of this, Models offer these areas that we will explore:
- Databound keys.
- Named attributes with customizable behavior.
- Default values and (de)serialization are some of these behaviors.
- We will also cover some more-special cases like Enum attributes.
- Validation.
While we will briefly touch on serialization as a part of this chapter, a full survey and understanding can be found in the Further Reading chapter on Traversals, upon which serialization is actually implemented and in which can be found its full power.
Likewise, we will not be covering the Reference attribute in depth here, which allows Model keys to reference some (remote, typically networked) absent resource that should be fetched when the key is observed. We will get into Reference and its friends in the next chapter.
You've already seen Maps used a lot, but we've tried to limit even the basic operations to some simple forms to avoid confusion. So let's start over and review the basics, complete with alternate invocations.
const data = new Map({ id: 42, initial: 'values', go: 'here' });
data.set('but', 'more');
data.set('can', { be: { provided: 'later' } });
data.set('', 'deeply');
data.set({ or: 'directly', by: 'object' });
const setter = data.set('currying');
setter('is supported!');
const v = Varying.of(42);
v.set('it can be');
data.set('oops', 'do not set nullish values to clear keys');
data.unset('oops'); // instead, use .unset()
return inspect.panel(data);
Once set, .get
and .get_
can be used to watch or fetch keys.
const data = new Map({ id: 42, nested: { value: 'here' } });
return [
Simple enough; you can even get an entire subobject at once if you want (see nested
in the sample above). But there are some things to watch out for if you do this,
and it's generally a good idea to only get individual values at a time if you can
help it.
To expand on that, think about what it means to
here. Recall that Varying will not react unless the value actually changes, and that comparison is done with===
. So unless the actual substructure object itself is replaced with another one (ie the reference changes),.get
ting it isn't likely to be very useful.In addition, when you
, be very careful not to modify the structure you get back, since it's the actual object the Map is using to maintain its own structure. If you mess with it, the Map will get out of sync with itself.
So that's all the basic stuff. Next, let's talk about shadow-copies.
Shadow-Copied Maps§
Calling .shadow()
on a Map will give you a new Map that inherits its data from
the original: changes to the original (the shadow parent) will show up in the shadow
copy, but the shadow can accept its own data, which will locally override that
of the parent.
Here's an example:
const data = new Map({ name: 'Gadget', age: 8, owner: 'Jane' });
const shadow = data.shadow();
data.set('name', 'Gadget!');
shadow.set('age', 9);
shadow.set('color', 'black and white');
return [ data, shadow ].map(inspect.panel);
So a shadow can override or unset present parent values, or create new values where the parent doesn't have any. Any untouched values will carry through to the shadow.
Many interesting applications are possible, but shadows are most commonly useful when you have some data you've loaded from the server, and the user enters some sort of edit view for it. Then, you can create a shadow copy of the canonical data that you hand to the edit view, and should the user abort the edit operation you still have the original laying around.
In that case, your application would typically either serialize the edited shadow to the server, whereupon you'd get new canonical data back that you can use instead of the original set, or if the user aborts you can simply discard the shadow. For that and other use cases, a handful of other methods are available:
const data = new Map({ name: 'Gadget', age: 8, owner: 'Jane' });
const shadow = data.with({ owner: 'Lindsay' });
shadow.set('name', 'Gadget!');
return shadow.modified();
The .with({ … })
shortcut makes a shadow and then immediately .set
s the given
data, which can be useful in single-expression mapping lambdas. .original()
will always get you the root Map in a shadow chain; if you call it on an original
rather than a shadow it'll give itself back.
will undo a shadow override at a given location (unlike .unset(key)
which explicitly overrides a location with empty data).
A shadowed Map will automatically .shadow
any nested Maps or Lists it contains
when .get
ting or .get_
ting them. (Lists also implement .shadow
, but really
it's more of a cloning operation and it is done mostly so that this property, that
shadowed structures automatically shadow their entire nested tree, stays true.)
Lastly, the .modified()
operation tells you whether the Map has changed
compared with its original. It's actually just a shortcut to shadow.diff(shadow.original())
which compares any two collections, and actually does so quite intelligently;
consider this sample, for instance:
const a = new Map({ name: 'Gadget', age: 8, owner: new Map({ name: 'Jane' }) });
const b = new Map({ name: 'Gadget', age: 8, owner: new Map({ name: 'Jane' }) });
return a.diff(b);
It understands that they are the same despite the nested Maps that are different instances. Like serialization, this is all accomplished through Traversals, which give you enormous flexibility and customizability over the process. You can, for instance, override the diffing algorithm to ignore or apply special logic to particular keys, for instance. Take a look at the linked chapter for more information.
Like most Maps, you can get a List of the keys a Janus Map contains. Like most structures in Janus, this List is kept up to date as the Map changes.
const data = new Map({ name: 'Gadget', age: 8, owner: { name: 'Jane' } });
const keys = data.enumerate();
const pairs = keys.flatMap(key => data.get(key).map(value => `${key}: ${value}`));
data.set('owner.age', 27);
return inspect(pairs);
You can imagine that this sort of thing might be useful when you don't know in advance what exactly a Map schema might look like, for instance if there are user-defined custom properties in it.
You can use
to get a static array of keys instead. If you don't like these names, you can use.keys()
instead, respectively.
It can also be very useful when you need a list of some things, for instance to render all of them on the page, but you also need to be able to rapidly look one up by some identifier. You can formulate the data as a Map fundamentally, but get an enumeration when you need a List.
const people = new Map({
alice: new Map({ name: 'Alice Wonderlonious', bff: 'bob' }),
bob: new Map({ name: 'Bob Cat', bff: 'alice' }),
chelsea: new Map({ name: 'Chelsea Neuyok', bff: 'david' }),
david: new Map({ name: 'David Pelapi', bff: 'chelsea' })
const PersonView =
$('<div><span class="name"/> (BFF: <span class="bff"/>)</div>'),
find('.bff').text(from('bff').flatMap(bff =>
people.get(bff).flatMap(person => person.get('name'))))));
return people.enumerate().mapPairs((_, person) => new PersonView(person));
Here, we need to be able to look up a person's full name from some identifier in order to display their BFF, so storing them by key/value pairs makes sense. But we also want to render all of the people we know about, so we get an enumeration of that Map.
You may have noticed that we cheated a little bit in this example, and we directly reference
as a closure scope variable from the template. Typically, you would pass this sort of context using View Models, or copying parent references, or skip passing context and rely on View Navigation to jump up the hierarchy to the.closest_(People)
, for example.
This time around, rather than all the homework of .enumerate().flatMap(key => data.get(key).map(value => …))
we use .enumerate().mapPairs((key, value) => …)
, which is a convenience
shortcut offered by the Enumeration List. This is different from calling .mapPairs
directly on Map, which you'll be seeing in the following section: calling .enumerate
first gets you a List, and so when you chain .mapPairs
onto that you'll get another
List, which is what we want here. Calling .mapPairs
directly on Map maps the Map
over to another Map.
Yes, you can also map Maps. The resulting Map will have exactly the same key structure, but will have values mapped by your given function.
const balances = new Map({ alice: 23.16, bob: 10.74, chelsea: 29.93 });
const doubled = balances.mapPairs((key, value) => value * 2);
return inspect.panel(doubled);
This mapped Map will stay up-to-date with its original whenever the original changes:
additions, changes, and removals to data on the original will result in changes
to the mapped Map. But as usual, you can use flatMapPairs
instead of mapPairs
if your mapping also needs to change in response to some other input and so it
might return a Varying. That's the case in this innocent little scheme. (Nobody
will notice, don't worry.)
const balances = new Map({ alice: 23.16, bob: 10.74, chelsea: 29.93 });
const adjusted = balances.flatMapPairs((key, value) => (key === 'chelsea')
// for chelsea, add 5 cents for every other account in the system.
? => value + (0.05 * (numAccounts - 1)))
// otherwise, deduct 5 cents.
: value - 0.05);
// alice makes a deposit..
balances.set('alice', balances.get_('alice') + 5);
return inspect.panel(adjusted);
Remember, this is Javascript so we're pretty loose and flexible about exact types.
You can return static (not Varying
) values to a flatMap
and it'll just go along
with it. We take advantage of this above to avoid all the work of counting the number
of accounts unless it actually matters.
Now that we have our fundamental key/value data structure and a toolbox of tricks for transforming it, we can talk about Models. Models add three primary areas of concern to Maps:
- Databound keys
- Custom attribute behavior at particular keys
- Validation
You are free to use none or all of these facilities as best suits your purpose. You can always also define your own methods, for instance to codify particular data operations for use by other areas of your application.
We'll start by covering the simplest, and the most familiar of the three above.
Model Bindings§
Any Model key can be bound to some calculation based on other values available to that model. Here is a simple example: our Model contains a reference to some nested Model, but what our server wants to see is actually the foreign key reference to that subentity, not the full data. The syntax to accomplish this should look extremely familiar if you recall the chapter on Views.
const SubEntity =;
const Entity =
bind('subentity_id', from('subentity').get('id'))
const entity = new Entity({ subentity: new SubEntity({ id: 42 }) });
// entity.unset('subentity'); // uncomment to clear the subentity out
return inspect.panel(entity);
Of course, we still need to omit sending the full subentity to the server, but
that will be easy once we cover attribute
s next.
As you can see, bind
works a lot like find
did in templates earlier, and the
Model itself is used as the context for the data references. These bindings can
be cascaded to make complex series of operations more palatable.
This example is quite long but it demonstrates some important points that are worth diving into, so give the sample result a try (drag your mouse around on it), study the code for a moment, and we'll chat about it afterwards.
const { floor, ceil, min, max } = Math;
const px = (x => `${x}px`);
const makeTicks = (count => (new Array(count + 1)).fill().map((_, idx) => idx));
// Segmented Axis:
class SegmentedAxis extends
// expects: width: px of draw area, ticks-count: count,
// mouse-clicking: bool, mouse-now: x px
bind('segment-width', from('width').and('ticks-count'), t) => w / t)),
bind('mouse-min', from('mouse-down').and('mouse-now'),
bind('mouse-max', from('mouse-down').and('mouse-now'),
bind('selection-left', from('mouse-min').and('segment-width'), w) => floor(x / w) * w)),
bind('selection-right', from('mouse-max').and('segment-width'), w) => ceil(x / w) * w)),
bind('ticks-idxs', from('ticks-count').map(makeTicks)),
bind('ticks-objs', from('ticks-idxs').and.self(), axis) =>
new List(idxs).map(index => new Tick({ index, axis }))))
) {
_initialize() {
this.reactTo(this.get('mouse-clicking'), clicking => {
if (clicking === true) this.set('mouse-down', this.get_('mouse-now'));
class SegmentedAxisView extends
$('<div class="axis"><div class="selection"/><div class="ticks"/></div>'),
.classed('hide', from('mouse-clicking').map(x => !x))
.css('left', from('selection-left').map(px))
.css('width', from('selection-right').and('selection-left'), left) => px(right - left))),
.on('mousedown', (_, subject) => { subject.set('mouse-clicking', true); })
.on('mousemove', (e, subject) => { subject.set('mouse-now', e.offsetX); })
.on('mouseup', (_, subject) => { subject.set('mouse-clicking', false); })
)) {
_wireEvents() {
const dom = this.artifact();
// a handy utility provided by the stdlib to form a Varying from events:
stdlib.varying.fromEvent($(window), 'resize', (() => dom.width())),
// Tick marks:
const Tick =
bind('left', from('index').and('axis').get('segment-width'), segWidth) => idx * segWidth)));
const TickView =$('<div class="tick"/>'), find('.tick')
.css('left', from('left').map(px)));
// Final assembly:
const app = new App();
app.views.register(SegmentedAxis, SegmentedAxisView);
app.views.register(Tick, TickView);
const axis = new SegmentedAxis({ 'ticks-count': 10 });
return [ app.view(axis), inspect.panel(axis) ];
If you think about how you might have otherwise built this interaction, it actually becomes quite complex. There are a lot of different values that enter this system at different times, and trying to update only what's needed piecemeal leads to really complex subdivisions of code, while recomputing absolutely everything every time is expensive.
Instead, with this approach we have some essential facts that we feed to the Model
one direct binding at a time, and we let all the computation fall out of it. This
insistence on minimizing the number of truth variables and how each is sourced can
be seen by the way we manage mouse.down
: rather than just set it as part of our
event handler, we have the Axis Model instead enforce itself that when
becomes true, we copy
to mouse.down
at that moment.
By making this relationship an inherent rule of computation, we ensure that if,
say, a new spot in the code also sets clicking
to be true, it doesn't have to
concern itself with setting mouse.down
The more concise and direct we are with core truth and how it is set, the more of our system we push into our purely-functional, always-correct land, and the fewer complications we introduce into our application.
We have the Model do this point-in-time copy by implementing its
method, which is called just after the initial data has been injected into the Model and databinding has begun. We usethis.reactTo
rather than just callingthis.get('mouse.clicking').react(…)
for purposes of resource management.You see the same
method called in the_wireEvents
body, for the same reason.
The intermediate variables, then, each encapsulate some useful derived fact from
that base truth, each of which is recomputed and updated only when it must be.
Each fact is small, purely functional, and relatively easy to glance at and verify.
Line ordering is no longer a stylistic nor correctness concern: we only have to
convince ourselves that each mapping function is correct, rather than having to
worry about the ordering or invocation states of the whole assembly. There is some
concept of computational order encoded in each from
binding, but as a whole our
set of bind
statements are coequal facts, not sequential operations. They can
be organized at will.
And perhaps most importantly, we can see here how Models can represent data objects, yes, but they can also be used as problem-solving spaces, where related computations are performed in a locally shared scope and the results can be picked up by other parts of your application, like Views.
Binding, then, is very powerful indeed.
Model Attributes§
But if we turn our attention back to pure data modelling for a moment, we are still missing some concept of an actual data schema. How, for example, do we know which data editors to render for which attributes, or which Model classes to inflate to when deserializing nested JSON data?
This is what attribute
s are for, which are declared in
much like
class Person extends Model {}
const Dog =
attribute('status', class extends attribute.Enum {
initial() { return 'available'; }
values() { return [ 'adopted', 'pending', 'available' ]; }
attribute('owner', class extends attribute.Model {
static get modelClass() { return Person; }
return [
new Dog({ name: 'Gadget' }),
Dog.deserialize({ name: 'Spot', status: 'adopted', owner: { name: 'Jenny' } })
So attribute
and bind
statements live alongside each other in the Model builder,
and the actual properties and behavior of specific attributes are defined by way
of a class deriving from some attribute
type. The initial types are:
- Simple primitives:
. Date
, which wantsDate
objects in working data but serializes to and from epoch milliseconds.Enum
, which fundamentally works with Strings but has a notion of its available possible values.Model
expect their respective structure types, and are mostly used to simplify (de)serialization.Reference
manages a reference to a remote data resource. It gets its own entire chapter.
All attribute types share a few methods in common. One of these is .initial()
which you see above. Initial values are not eagerly injected into the data, but
rather lazily pulled on .get()
or .get_()
. Alongside .initial
is .writeInitial
whose purpose we also demonstrate here:
class Person extends Model {}
const Dog =
attribute('status', class extends attribute.Enum {
initial() { return 'available'; }
values() { return [ 'adopted', 'pending', 'available' ]; }
attribute('owner', class extends attribute.Attribute {
initial() { return new Person(); }
const spot = new Dog({ name: 'Spot' });
const gadget = new Dog({ name: 'Gadget' });
gadget.get_('owner').set('name', 'Jenny');
return [
spot.get_('status'),, // a reference to the internal data structure
Spot's internal data doesn't have a status
, nor did Gadget end up with an owner
named Jenny. This is because neither attribute set .writeInitial
to true. In
the case of status
, this just means the value is ethereal each time it is fetched.
In the case of owner
, it's even more confusing: because a new initial Person
is generated each time, the Person we name Jenny just disappears immediately.
When .writeInitial
is set to true, the initial value is persisted whenever it
is fetched. (Not when the Model is generated! It's still a lazy value.) Because
forgetting this detail and neglecting to set .writeInitial
can lead to especially
confusing behavior for Models and Lists, attribute.Model
and attribute.List
set true
for .writeInitial
—this is why we used the generic base class
in the sample above when we wanted to show the wrong behaviour.
Here's another sample with these issues fixed, and which demonstrates a little shortcut for all this anonymous class stuff:
class Person extends Model {}
const Dog =
attribute('status', class extends attribute.Enum {
get writeInitial() { return true; }
initial() { return 'available'; }
values() { return [ 'adopted', 'pending', 'available' ]; }
initial.writing('listed', true, attribute.Boolean),
attribute('owner', class extends attribute.Model {
get modelClass() { return Person; }
initial() { return new Person(); }
const spot = new Dog({ name: 'Spot' });
spot.get_('owner').set('name', 'Jenny');
return [
If you don't want your attribute to write its initial value, you can omit .writing
and if you don't care about the type of the attribute, you don't need to provide
the third argument.
The Model
and List
attributes have overridable instance properties modelClass
and listClass
, respectively, which define the type of value they expect to contain.
This is used mostly for deserialization, which we will cover next.
There are also many shortcuts for these attributes.
, for example, will return an attribute class with amodelClass
property ofPerson
. These are all described in the API Documentation.
Attribute Serialization§
The .serialize
and @deserialize
methods are also standard for all attributes.
They can be implemented to override the standard (de)serialization behaviour for
the value at that key, and are straightforward:
const Dog =
// say the server communicates numbers as strings:
attribute('age', class extends attribute.Number {
serialize() { return this.getValue_().toString(); }
static deserialize(data) { return parseFloat(data); }
bind('dog-age', from('age').map(x => x * 7)),
attribute('dog-age', class extends attribute.Number {
get transient() { return true; }
return [
Dog.deserialize({ name: 'Gadget', age: '7', city: 'Seattle' }),
(new Dog({ name: 'Spot', age: 4 })).serialize()
The default Model
and List
attribute deserializers find and use their declared
or listClass
method, which you may also override.
Marking an attribute as .transient
will, if the default .serialize
is in use,
omit that property from the serialization.
As with
s, there is a shortcut to invoke this:transient('key')
Attribute Editors§
Another big function attributes provide is to serve as classtypes we can latch
onto when trying to render
editors for our attributes, as well as to define
properties about the data and therefore how the editors should function. The Janus
Standard Library provides general-purpose editors for all the default
types; a good example focuses around the Enum
attribute type:
// Models:
const Document =
initial('name', 'Untitled', attribute.Text),
attribute('content', attribute.Text)
const Window =
initial.writing('documents', () => new List([ new Document() ])),
attribute('current-document', class extends attribute.Enum {
initial() { return this.model.get_('documents').at_(0); }
_values() { return from('documents'); }
// Views:
const DocumentEditView =
$('<div class="document"><div class="title"/><div class="content"/></div>'),
// here we use from.attribute:
// here we directly call #attribute:
find('.content').render(from.subject().map(doc => doc.attribute('content')))
.criteria({ style: 'multiline' })));
const DocumentSummaryView =
$('<div class="document-summary"/>'),
const WindowView =$(`
<div class="window">
<div class="documents">
<div class="doc-list"/>
<button class="new-doc">⊕</button>
<div class="current"/>
</div>`), template(
find('.documents .doc-list').render(from.attribute('current-document'))
.criteria({ style: 'list' })
.options({ renderItem: (x) => x.context('summary')}),
find('.documents .new-doc').on('click', (_, subject) => {
subject.get_('documents').add(new Document()); })));
// Assembly:
const app = new App();
app.views.register(Document, DocumentEditView);
app.views.register(Document, DocumentSummaryView, { context: 'summary' });
app.views.register(Window, WindowView);
return app.view(new Window());
Once again, we demonstrate several points in this sample. We show how attribute editors are rendered with the standard library, but we also illustrate some broader points about problem-solving in Janus.
As far as render
ing attributes is concerned, we show the use of from.attribute('key')
as well as directly calling .attribute
on a Model
instance to pull up the Attribute
object representing the behavior of that key, rather than the value residing at
the key. Once that attribute class instance is resolved from the from
will search for a matching view registration like it would for any other
class instance.
We register all the stdlib
views so it'll find its views for our attribute classes.
The particular context
and style
values you see are simply the convention
applied throughout the standard library—they are not core to Janus itself.
You can also see that the Enum attribute values()
method is allowed to return
a from
expression instead of a List
(or, for that matter, a Varying
work too, so we could have written this.model.get('documents')
). This fact
is natural in the context of a framework where we strive to deal gracefully with
changes, and in this case it helps us solve the problem here of managing a set
of tabbed views.
As we've began to stress, problem solving in Janus often boils down to data modelling. It would be entirely possible to create some ad-hoc jQuery-driven method for listening to some List of documents and rendering the appropriate view when tabs are clicked, updating the list of tabs and the actively-selected one as needed.
Or, you can think about the problem in a different way, and consider it from a data modelling perspective: what, fundamentally is the purpose of a tab bar? It's to choose one of a known set of options. There is some object that is the selected value, and there is some known list of options of which that object is one. This is exactly an Enum attribute, and by modelling our data structure after that interpretation, we can simplify the entire problem drastically, relying on the prebuilt standard library views to accomplish our task.
The end result of this is that not only have we saved ourselves a lot of work, we've grounded the resulting implementation entirely in simple data operations. Notice how the only custom event handler, the only imperative code we wrote, does nothing more than add a new Document to the list. There is almost no opportunity to make a coding error, once the data has been structured correctly.
Again, we will not be covering Reference attributes in this chapter, as they get explained alongside Requests and Resolvers, which are the mechanisms whereby Reference attributes actually acquire values.
There is also, by the way, no reason you can't define your own Attribute types specific to your application.
Model Validation§
The very last topic to overview about Models is that of validation. Janus provides
a relatively lean interface for model validation: you may define one or more validation
rules. Each of these are just from
expressions that result in one of the janus.types.validity
case classes: valid
, warning
, or error
. There are standard methods to get
the outstanding failing rules, or all the validation bindings, or just whether
the Model is passing validation or not.
We want to provide a standard interface at all here, for reasons much like our motivations behind case classes in the first place: to give a basic common language for this process within Janus, to promote interoperability and reusability with minimal glue and configuration. The Manifest, for instance, which helps manage server-side render lifecycles, uses Model validation to determine whether it should return your rendered view/page as a successful result or fault over to some error page instead.
On the other hand, we want to provide the smallest interface possible, to enable
a broad range of approaches to the problem space. Do you want to encode information
about which fields are failing the validation? Nest it (as another case class,
perhaps?) within the valid
case class. Do you want to declare
validation rules in some way other than the Janus default? You have exactly one
method to implement to make the standard machinery work.
That one method you'd need to implement, by the way, is
, which ought to return aList[types.validity]
Here, we stick to the Janus default. You will not be surprised to learn that
validation rules are specified alongside bind
s and attribute
s as a part of
. We also demonstrate .valid
, which returns a Varying[boolean]
indicating whether all validation rules are passing, and .errors
, which returns
a List of only the failing validation results.
const Person =;
const Dog =
attribute('status', class extends attribute.Enum {
default() { return 'available'; }
values() { return [ 'adopted', 'pending', 'available' ]; }
validate(from('name').map(name => (name == null)
? types.validity.error('All pets must have names.')
: types.validity.valid())),
validate(from('status').and('owner'), owner) =>
((owner != null) && (status !== 'adopted'))
? types.validity.error('Only adopted pets may have owners assigned.')
: types.validity.valid()))
const spot = new Dog({ name: 'Spot', owner: new Person({ name: 'Jenny' }) });
const dog = new Dog();
const gadget = new Dog({ name: 'Gadget' });
return [
spot.validations(), spot.valid(), spot.errors(),
dog.valid(), dog.errors(),
gadget.valid(), gadget.errors()
Translating this information into feedback for the user is left to applications to work out. Here is one example of how it may be done:
const { valid, error } = types.validity;
const Issue =;
const isBlank = (x => (x == null) || (x === ''));
// model helpers to reduce some boilerplate:
const check = (condition, message, fields) => (...args) => condition(...args)
? error(new Issue({ message, fields })) : valid();
const Dog =
attribute('name', attribute.Text),
attribute('status', class extends attribute.Enum {
default() { return 'available'; }
_values() { return [ 'adopted', 'pending', 'available' ]; }
// note that we just use Text for owner for this one to keep things simple.
attribute('owner', attribute.Text),
'All pets must have names.', [ 'name' ]))),
((status, owner) => !isBlank(owner) && (status !== 'adopted')),
'Only adopted pets may have owners assigned.', [ 'owner', 'status' ])))
// view helpers, again to reduce boilerplate:
const applyValidationClass = (field) => find(`.${field}`).classed('invalid',
from.self(view => view.subject.errors()).flatMap(errors =>
errors.any(issue => issue.get_('fields').includes(field))));
const renderField = (field) => template(
find(`.${field} .input`).render(from.attribute(field)));
const DogEditor =$(`
<div class="dog-editor">
<div class="errors"/>
<label class="line name">Name <span class="input"/></label>
<label class="line status">Status <span class="input"/></label>
<label class="line owner">Owner <span class="input"/></label>
</div>`), template(
find('.errors').render(from.self(view => view.subject.errors())),
const IssueView =$('<span/>'),
const app = new App();
app.views.register(Issue, IssueView);
app.views.register(Dog, DogEditor);
return app.view(new Dog());
Here we define our own Issue
class that we use to represent information about
the validation failure: the message text to display and the fields involved in
the problem. We don't bother making fields
a List—it's just an array—since
in our application the related fields never change. The check
function helps us
automate the creation of this structure in a succinct declaration.
Similarly, we create a helper for our editor view (which you could imagine using
across all the different views in your application) which, for some field, checks
whether any of the subject Model's .errors
relates to that field, and applies
an invalid
class if so.
One final note before we close here: much like you can bundle mutators together
with template()
, and you can nest template
s within template
s, there is a
similar bundling mechanism for Models: Trait
const { floor } = Math;
const BioDates = Trait(
attribute('birth', attribute.Date),
attribute('death', attribute.Date),
bind('age_at_death', from('birth').and('death'), d) =>
floor((d.getTime() - b.getTime()) / 1000 / 3600 / 24 / 365))),
validate(from('birth').and('death'), d) => (d > b)
? types.validity.valid() : types.validity.error()))
const BioDetails = Trait(
attribute('name', attribute.Text)
const Person =
attribute('hometown', attribute.Text)
const ada = new Person({
name: 'Ada',
birth: new Date('1815-12-10'),
death: new Date('1852-11-27'),
hometown: 'London'
return inspect.panel(ada);
Maps and Models are an important backbone in Janus. As one of the two fundamental data structure types we provide, they serve a crucial purpose not just in directly representing actual data, but also in gluing together the simple primitives you have thus far encountered into meaningful conglomerations.
Maps are the pure data structure essence behind Models:
- They perform all the key/value storage (
) and Varying key.get
ting.- Keys may be nested into subobjects, but you should take care when directly
ting or.get_
ting a subobject instead of a data leaf.
- Keys may be nested into subobjects, but you should take care when directly
- They support
copying, allowing interrelated clones of your data.- This can be useful when trying to manage multiple versions of data, for instance when the user wants to edit something.
- They are enumerable and mappable.
gets you the keys of a Map, which is useful when dealing with unknown schemas or solving problems where data must be listable (for instance to render) but also quick to lookup by some key.- The
features supported by Map are enabled by Traversals, which you don't need to understand to leverage these features but which add great flexibility and power if you do. - Maps can map (
) to other Maps, with the same key structure. If you use.flatMapPairs
instead, you can use a Varying to define that mapping.
Models extend Maps to provide behavioral definition on top of the pure data.
- Data
ing of keys can help compute derived values that, for instance, the user interface or the server API requires.- They're also very useful when used on View Models.
- But perhaps more importantly, they help sequence complex computations based off of ground truth, turning Models into potent problem-solving spaces.
- Named
s define a whole set of available behaviors for particular pieces on data in the Map:- They serve as class types that
can recognize for pulling up editor views for individual data attributes. .initial
values may be defined. You'll want to.writeInitial
in some cases.- Custom (de)serialization can be defined per key (though again, the full Traversal offers far more granular control).
- And some attribute types, like Enum, Model, and List, have some domain-specific behaviors in the form of additional properties and methods known to the framework and the standard library.
- They serve as class types that
- Model validation is a very thin but therefore very flexible interface for defining
validation rules.
declarations are made during Modelbuild
ing just likebind
, and their only requirement is that they must resolve to aVarying[types.validity]
We've also begun to see, now that we have more powerful tools at our disposal, what problem solving looks like in Janus.
- Complex interaction patterns become tractable when time and care is taken to
boil the problem down to its minimal set of ground truth values.
- Each piece of ground truth can usually be fed information simply and directly, with no cognitive overhead on object state or corner cases. This works best when each truth element is set directly an unconditionally from a single source.
- Derived values based on that ground truth can then be bound in the same Model, and they will be recomputed only as necessary.
- This essentially turns Model into a problem-solving space, one in which classical concerns like line ordering and object state become irrelevant.
- You saw this when we created a modestly complicated dragging example. Ultimately, the entire interaction was driven off of four values.
- Many, many problems can be solved by thinking of the problem in terms of data
and semantics. Janus is quite good at data transformations and bindings, so once
you get the right data model in place there is often very little need for custom
implementation code.
- You saw this when we modelled a tabbed view as an Enum attribute based on the List of the views; picking one of many options is the same process as picking one of many tabs.
- The open-endedness in Janus is carefully structured to ground everybody in the
same common language while leaving a lot of room for interpretation and creativity.
- Model validation is a great example.
- The case class encapsulates the most important fact (valid or not?) while carrying any arbitrary value most suited for your application.
- You saw this when we created a rich representation of validation failures which could then drive an advanced user feedback experience.
Next Up§
We're not exactly done with Models and attributes yet; our next chapter will dive into one particular type of attribute, Reference, which allows you to reference data that should be fetched and inserted when needed.
Along with Request, which describes the remote data, and Resolvers, which actually go and get the data, this subsystem equips Janus with a data-driven, Varying-based solution to networking.